Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tingginya Ego Kau

"Study elok elok ek? Tak mau couple couple. Eh? Tak mau gatal gatal eh?"

Aku akan ingat pesan ni bila aku dah sambung belajar nanti. Bukan nati lah, tapi esok. Ye, esok aku dah nak sambung belajar tapi aku tetap teringatkan kau. Kenapa eh? Padahal kita takkan ada masalah kalau 'dia' takde. Ye, bila 'dia' takde. Kau taktau yang 'dia' pun macam ada hati je nak memasal dengan aku. Aku taktau apa yang 'dia' cerita kat kau sampai kau terus tak hiraukan aku macam tu je tapi bagi aku, tak adil lah kalau kau dengar dari sebelah pihak je kan.

Tapi aku nak kau tahu, yang aku rindu kau lah moron. Masuk hari ni, dah 4 hari kau tak contact aku. Good job, boy and I think I know why. Tingginya ego kau kan? Sebab selalunya bila dah 3 hari, kita dah okay balik tapi bila dah lebih tiga hari kita tak contact, kau pun memang takde tanda tanda nak bagi dia jadi positif balik, k I'm fine with that. Aku ikut rentak kau asalkan kau senang hati. Kbye.

kindly leave me a comment. thank you.

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Helo peeps. I'm Amy. I'm so glad because you're willing to lay here just wanna read my silly writing. It gives me a big meaning, k? Jyeah, and I'm not a rigid blogger so I just write when I feel I have to write. People say life is so suck. Uhh, helo? Is that so? I don't think so because I think life is fair and squre. We survive the life at up and down. I'm just at this type. I just looking forward to enjoy the life. K? By the way, thanks to readers who always wanna know the story of my life. To the haters, nothing can I say because nobody perfect, aite? May GOD bless you when you spent your time here and bless me when another person be you follower ♥ Have a nice day ever. Kbye.