Sunday, January 23, 2011

kelantanese speaking :)

helo helo sumo . apa kaba tu ? sihat dop ? harap sihat sokmo la yaa. .arini ambo nop ngajar demo kecek kelate sikit . demo tao dop kecek kelate ? ambo pun tatao gop . HAHA . tapi , tapi , ambo nok v gop laa serbo sikit yg ambo tao istiloh-istiloh dale baso kelate neh . haihhh . 


apa ? korang tak faham apa yg aku cakap neh ? sebutir pun tak faham ? baiklahh , aku tolong translate ke bahasa kebangsaan kita yaa .

helo helo semua . apa khabar ? sihat tak ? harap sihat selalu la yaa . arini aku nak ajarkan korang bercakap style kelantanese sikit . korang tao tak cakap kelantan ? aku pun tatao gak . HAHA . tapi , tapi , aku nak bagi jugak laa serba sedikit yg aku tao istilah-istilah dalam bahasa kelantan neh . haihhh .

korang nak tao tak ? alaa. .kalau korang nak tao , korang amik buku , catat and dengar betol2 okay .


saem/saeng = kawan
ngoti = sungguh
gebas = kembang
kekoh = gigit
jolo = betol
ngoti = sungguh
koho = semakin
jangok = semat
saru = serabut
sede = ni mesti
derak = jalan-jalan
baso = malas nak layan
segho/sero = rasa-rasanya
lolop = tipu
sumap = tolol
baga = buta
gewe = kekasih
agah = sombong
pecah peda = kentut
pah = lepas itu
guano = macam mana
baloh = bergaduh
bolok = jakun
banok = bodoh
cokek = cucuk pinggang seseorang
etep/etek = juga
tubik = keluar
tino = perempuan
jate = lelaki

yang neh jelaa yang aku boleh kasi and if korang ada jumpa perkataan kelantan kat mana-mana and tak faham apa maksudnya , boleh comment and kalau aku tau , aku boleh tolong . okay deh ?

and , if korang nak tau lebih banyak lagi , pegy jea kat thesaurus bahasa kelantan neh
*credit to ; NAED and ADIEB

kindly leave me a comment. thank you.


kindergartenlibrary said...

baru nelly tahu ..

AMYCYRUS said...

haha :D neh mesti selalu baca post kelantanese kat fb then tak faham ap yg dorang tulis kan ? me too also , masa mula-mula .

Unknown said...

Haha😂..buke Them tpi There la..parok demo😂

Unknown said...

serabut peda tu ape?


My photo
Helo peeps. I'm Amy. I'm so glad because you're willing to lay here just wanna read my silly writing. It gives me a big meaning, k? Jyeah, and I'm not a rigid blogger so I just write when I feel I have to write. People say life is so suck. Uhh, helo? Is that so? I don't think so because I think life is fair and squre. We survive the life at up and down. I'm just at this type. I just looking forward to enjoy the life. K? By the way, thanks to readers who always wanna know the story of my life. To the haters, nothing can I say because nobody perfect, aite? May GOD bless you when you spent your time here and bless me when another person be you follower ♥ Have a nice day ever. Kbye.