Monday, January 3, 2011

sepetang di alor setar

31 disember 2010 , jumaat .
afiz texted me at the morning and asked me "pergi alorsetar lepas solat jumaat okay?" i asked my abang and he said okay jugak . oh mangg . ann cannot go because she has to help her abang , iffah cannot go because she still in sorrow , ayu cannot go too because her dad will not allowing her . I asked my adik and she said she has no money . so , i'm the only girl . with 3 boys .

hafiz drove the car , picked faishal at his home and yes , faishal talked too much . I think he has no embarassing attitude in him . goshh ! and he is so funny . spontan funny okay and always burst my laugh . seriusly , he is funny !

masa first sampai alorsetar , hafiz da tade arah tuju . huh . aku suruh dia belok kiri untuk pegy star parade and get my McD meal . muahaha . masa belok tuh pun , dia still tatau jalan nak pegy pacific tuh -.- aku and abang bagi direction , then jumpa la star parade yg besar gedagak tuh . tapi , banyak betol orang so abang ku ajak makan McD kat city plaza jea la . and faishal cannot wait for his McFlurry . sangat kebudak-budakkan . bhaha ;D

hafiz then parked kereta dia kat tingkat atas city plaza yg tade roof tuh . punya la naik pusing2 . seronok dia cakap ! HAHA . then , kitorang pun jalan la pegy McD . eat , eat , eat . talk , talk , talk . HABIS ! so , whats next ? aku cakap kat abang aku nak cari jam . tapi tak jumpa pun yg macam sama dgn aimi tuh . then , abang aku bw mereka berdua pergi tempat komputer entah apa entah . haa. .then jalan jalan . faishal tanya aku tanak beli barang sekolah ka ? okayy. .lawak la sangat !

masa nak balik tu , faishal tanya , apa motif ang nak mai alorsetar neh ? hafiz ckp , cuma nak makan McD . hah ? nak mkn McD jea ? if camtu , baik bawa aku pegy beli beg ! huh . hafiz cakap , tesco okay tak ? faishal punya la demand tanak pegy kat tesco . tp hafiz cakap , alaaa. .beli jea la kat outlet body glove kat situ . haaa. .then dia pun agree .

tapi the funniest peristiwa , kitorang sesat ! aww , agak memalukan sesat kat alor setar . punya la kitorang pusing pizza hut tuh 3x ! nahh. .kitorang memang nak jalan2 kat alorsetar neh pun . *hah(gaya gedik faishal) masa tgh cari jalan keluar alorsetar , terjumpa la pak-pak misai sekalian tengah buat road block . huhh , nasib baik tak tahan . terlupa pulak nak tanya pak misai tuh kat mana jalan keluar AS . HAHA . then , kitorang pusing2 lagik sampai afiz tension dan menspeedkan dia punya kereta , ikut gerak hati dia akhirnya dapat jugak kami keluar dari kepompong AS tuh *pheee , penat .

then , kitorang pegy tesco pulak . masa kat tesco , lepas beli beg , faishal belanja kitorang makan big apple punya donat . haha . awesome tau ! then , balik. .hantar faishal balik rumah dia dulu , sempat lagi aku tempah bihun sup kat dia . HAHA . then , ambik kawan abang aku kat stesen bas and balik la rumah .

sangat best ! bila but more best if ada kawan2 aku .

kindly leave me a comment. thank you.


Idayu said...

macam best sajaaa ..
rasa rugi xpegi kan .. huhu

AMYCYRUS said...

HAHA. Memang best pun. Takpe, next time maybe.


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Helo peeps. I'm Amy. I'm so glad because you're willing to lay here just wanna read my silly writing. It gives me a big meaning, k? Jyeah, and I'm not a rigid blogger so I just write when I feel I have to write. People say life is so suck. Uhh, helo? Is that so? I don't think so because I think life is fair and squre. We survive the life at up and down. I'm just at this type. I just looking forward to enjoy the life. K? By the way, thanks to readers who always wanna know the story of my life. To the haters, nothing can I say because nobody perfect, aite? May GOD bless you when you spent your time here and bless me when another person be you follower ♥ Have a nice day ever. Kbye.